Ensayo y Poesía


Do not go gentle into that good night.

There Is Hope and you are the light.

There Is Hope and you are the light.

January 23, 2025

I wrote this in a chat group and now I write it for each of you. Take what serves you and leave the rest. No one is helpless. No one is hopeless.

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On Towing the Line and Proximity How your “kindness” towards those who hate hurt the ones they hate.

On Towing the Line and Proximity How your “kindness” towards those who hate hurt the ones they hate.

December 04, 2024

Today I had a young man by the name of Nicholas take me on in an attempt to shield a popular transphobe named Adam from rage. Adam had come in to my space and had displayed a profound hate towards transgender and intersex people.

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Two-Spirit a memory, a gift.

Two-Spirit a memory, a gift.

December 22, 2024

Two-Spirit is a term used by Indigenous peoples to [Occupied] Turtle Island and [Occupied] Abya Yala. Turtle Island stretches from Alaska down to Mexico. Anything below that is Abya Yala. The entire landmass you know as “The Americas” was once ALL of Turtle Island.

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A Walking Miracle On dying and the return.

A Walking Miracle On dying and the return.

December 08, 2024

On May 26th, 2022, my brain exploded two days after my heart stopped for three minutes, and I survived what is known as a “near-death experience.” Except it wasn’t near death; it was very much actual death.

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Let’s Talk About Death And the life you lead up to it.

Let’s Talk About Death And the life you lead up to it.

December 24, 2024

I died. For 3 minutes, my heart stopped. I knew I was dying; I felt my heart blip out as I screamed, “I’m dying!” in the recovery room. Pretty sure everyone in the building heard me.

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Judge, Jury, and Executioner A defining event and the burden of return after death.

Judge, Jury, and Executioner A defining event and the burden of return after death.

January 14, 2025

How do I even begin to tell this story? At what point do I risk opening myself up to scrutiny, cries of “victim mentality,” accusations of being a “pathetic victim,” and the myriad of slurs and insults thrown at me with an almost salacious glee?

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Confronting the Dead 3rd grade is not too young to see a corpse.

Confronting the Dead 3rd grade is not too young to see a corpse.

January 05, 2025

“3rd grade is too young to see a corpse.” hear my auntie whisper to mama. Knew what mama would say before the words came rolling out between two puffs of a cigar. “He’s going.” Mama had the final word.

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You Will Not Survive…unless.

You Will Not Survive…unless.

January 31, 2025

You will not survive authoritarianism because you don’t know how to do your laundry by hand. You will not survive a Trump presidency because you don’t know how to wash your blankets one by one in a bucket and lean with your full body weight on your shower chair. The holes provide a place to allow the water to flow through while the flat surface and your whole body weight prevents you from having to ring each one out by hand.

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Trans and Intersex People Are Not Going Back there is no “back” to go to.

Trans and Intersex People Are Not Going Back there is no “back” to go to.

November 29, 2024

Whenever I see the term “In the context of the rising Christofascist ideology in this country,” I think to myself about the many nights I spent in my boyhood with my pals sneaking out into the back roads, watching those tall pine crosses lighting up the clear night sky; ghosts dancing amongst the flames. Saturday night cross burning to Sunday morning sermons, complete with snakes and tongues.

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Boundaries We all need them, here are mine. Bonus: A free resource!

Boundaries We all need them, here are mine. Bonus: A free resource!

January 30, 2025

Before I begin my very deep dive into daily writing here, whether it be on my publication or this profile, let’s set the record straight on boundaries in my space.

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